Cavitation Sensor




The NPL CaviMeter™ is the first instrument capable of measuring localised ultrasonic cavitation (the implosion of bubbles in a liquid when a high frequency sound wave is applied), and will transform the way in which hospitals clean medical instruments , and the way in which manufacturers develop foodstuffs, biofuels and pharmaceuticals, by providing a new measurement capability.


The CaviMeter’s key component is a novel spatially-sensitive sensor that detects aultrasonic signals from acoustic cavitation activity in fluids. Coupled with a bespoke electronics module, the NPL CaviMeter™, it provides a visual display of real-time cavitation activity. The NPL CaviMeter provides a quick and simple to use measurement solution for cleaning and sonoprocessing systems, and so is a new and improved method of quality assurance.



Main Features


By monitoring the acoustic signals generated in fluids when  clouds of bubbles implode under the influence of an applied sound field, the CaviMeter identifies how much cavitation is taking place at a given location, allowing 'hot-spots' and 'cold-spots' in cavitating systems to be identified. Manufacturers can use this information for fine-tuning equipment to produce the ideal quantity and distribution of cleaning or processing action.


Cavitation sensor - Two principle features of the cavitation sensor contribute make it novel. Collapsing cavitation bubbles generate very high frequency acoustic signals and the Sensor includes a thin piezoelectric film that responds to these signals. The shape of the Sensor, a hollow cylinder, combined with materials of special acoustic properties, means that the signals can be associated with specific volumes of liquid. This gives the sensor spatial resolution, allowing it be used to map vessels.





Provide the first direct measurement of the driving process behind ultrasonic cleaning, sonochemistry and sonoprocessing;


Mapping cavitation fields in ultrasonic cleaners, sonoprocessors, cell disruptors and therapeutic medical ultrasound devices: this enables enhanced design assessment, manufacturing tests and user QA;


As a diagnosis tool for fault-finding problems in cavitation-producing systems;


As an online monitor for cleaning and sonoprocessing systems, providing accumulated ‘dose’ information for demonstrating conformance with local standards and regulatory requirements



Developmental Status


Working prototype system developed and end user tested





Demonstration of system available



IP Status


Available for licensing (patents in UK, Germany, USA, Japan)




Responding to the long-term industrial need for cavitation sensors of good temporal and spatial resolution, NPL’s cavitation sensor is designed to detect the full acoustic spectrum produced by a cavitating cloud. Its construction and operation are shown below:



- 30mm high, 30mm internal diameter

- Acoustic emissions from bubbles detected using thin piezoelectric material – 110 micron thick piezoelectric polymer, pvdf, giving a bandwidth up to 11 MHz

- 4 mm thick blue polyurethane absorbing ‘shell’, which prevents MHz signals generated outside the cylinder from being detected by the piezo film

- Perturbation of direct field produced by vessel (kHz) minimised by using absorber material whose acoustic impedance is matched to that of water

- The 'measure' of inertial cavitation activity is the integrated broadband power in the frequency band 1.5 - 7 MHz, which is determined using spectral analysis or electronic filtering




Since initial proof-of-concept, an extensive development and testing programme has been completed, which has shown the sensor to have a broad frequency response and strong spatial sensitivity. Recent studies in a commercial cleaning bath show good correlations between the cavitation activity determined by the sensor (left) and aluminium foil erosion (right):





Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Peter Benson
National Physical Laboratory