Compact, Low Cost Smart Antenna


NPL, in collaboration with Surrey University, has developed a compact Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator antenna (ESPAR).


ESPAR technology is well known in the relevant scientific and user communities but not yet widely adopted as a commercial product. ESPAR antennae maximise the radiation towards the desired users and nulls towards the sources of interference, which improves the bandwidth and range for wireless communications and related applications. These devices are inherently more expensive than existing lower performing devices and the increased device complexity may raise concerns about reliability. However, there is documentary evidence to suggest that for more specialised applications, price is not a major barrier to adoption and that higher performance antennae are a key enabling technology for the development of the wireless communications industry. In particular there is a growing need for higher performing antennae in portable devices and arrays which is expected to drive the interest in, and adoption of, ESPAR technology. The ESPAR technology together with the software-defined radio techniques can integrate Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, UWB and WiMAX into a single package device.


The NPL IP covers the reduction in the overall size (and potentially cost) of an ESPAR device, and continuing work could make the device even more compact. It is apparent from market input that making ESPARs more compact is desirable and will contribute to the attractiveness of the technology to early adopters.


The following applications are identified for low-cost compact size ESPAR antennas:

·       WiMAX: One of the strongest drivers for smart antenna technology. The low cost of the WiMAX spectrum compared to 3G is a clear driver for service providers to enter the field of wireless services with WiMAX. This difference in cost/Hz is particularly significant in Europe, where the average 3G spectrum cost/Hz is 353 times higher than the average WiMAX spectrum cost/Hz.

·      Wi-Fi communications/WLAN: Smart antenna technology can provide an extension to range and capacity gain hence driving adoption in WLAN hotspot applications.

·       3G communication base station/tower: In communication markets smart antenna technology offers CDMA interference reduction and capacity enhancement to 3G handsets and communication base stations/towers.

·       Mobile wireless communication terminals: As portability is a key requirement for mobile wireless communication terminals, the size of the antenna will be important.

·       RFID Applications: An ESPAR antenna could contribute tremendously in the areas of RFID tag reading rates, collision mitigation, location finding of items and capacity improvement of the RFID systems.

·       GPS Jamming application: As Smart antennas can adjust their radiation patterns adaptively, they have advantage in GPS Interference Detection Applications (e.g. using their null steering for GPS jamming).


State of Development

A PCT application has been filed and we are now gathering evidence of customer validation and potential adoption of the technology.


Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Peter Benson
National Physical Laboratory
Tian Hong Loh
Mobile Communication
SMART Antenna
Wireless Communication