Search Results - Electronics

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Compact, Low Cost Smart Antenna
NPL, in collaboration with Surrey University, has developed a compact Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator antenna (ESPAR). Technology ESPAR technology is well known in the relevant scientific and user communities but not yet widely adopted as a commercial product. ESPAR antennae maximise the radiation towards the desired...
Published: 1/17/2012   |   Inventor(s): Tian Hong Loh
Keywords(s): EPSAR, GPS, Minature, Mobile Communication, RFID, SMART Antenna, UWB, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, Wireless Communication
Category(s): Communications, Electronics, Engineering
A 3D vibrating micro-CMM probe
A novel micro-scale co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM) probe designed for use on CMMs for miniature parts. The probe is designed to overcome many of the adverse effects experienced by standard micro-scale CMM probes, while still maintaining Main Features · MEMS design, resulting in increased robustness · Silicon free design ·...
Published: 1/17/2012   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): CMM, Measurement, MEMS, Micro, Piezo-electric
Category(s): Electronics, Engineering, Instrumentation, Measurement, Physical Sciences